The Hoover Institution and Stanford School of Engineering held the launch of The Stanford Emerging Tech Review with Condoleezza Rice, Jennifer Widom, Marc Andreessen, and Richard Saller on Tuesday, November 14, 2023 from 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM PT at Hauck Auditorium, Traitel Building.

The Stanford Emerging Technology Review is a university-wide project bringing together science faculty across campus to outline key developments in ten frontier technology fields and their policy implications.

This event featured a conversation with Condoleezza Rice, Director of the Hoover Institution, Jennifer Widom, Dean of the School of Engineering, and Marc Andreessen, Co-Founder of Andreessen Horowitz, with welcoming remarks from Stanford University President Richard Saller. We also had lightning round presentations from Zhenan Bao, Herbert Lin, Allison Okamura, and Amy Zegart. The event marked the release of the Stanford Emerging Technology Review for the Stanford and Silicon Valley community.


Click the image above to view the event recording.

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